
Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Being Singaporean, a tinge of kiasu-ness is in my blood. Although do let me clarify, I am not cheap, at least I don't think so anyway. On the "bell-curve of cheapness", I daresay I am bang on in the middle, or as my teacher used to tell me, "a solid, solid average." At this point I would like to add that although this blog is Singaporean-oriented, as long as you love travel and food, this blog is also for you. Love, to wherever you are in the world <3. So, what is this blog all about you ask?

Value for Money
If you are a traveller minted beyond belief, flying business on every holiday and having caviar for breakfast just before your morning champagne showers, this blog is probably not for you. Not generally anyway. If you are traveller on a tight (student) budget, willing to take a coach from Singapore to Thailand to save 50 bucks on airfare, this blog is also not for you. As a young working adult, I believe that as much as we should cherish and save the money we earn, we should also enjoy it. You will see me recommend having cup noodles in some cities, and going for Michelin restaurants at others. You will see me recommend hostels in some cities, and 5 star hotels in others. This blog is not about the high-life, it is not about the fanciest restaurant, or prestige. This blog is about value. Value for money.  I.e. if you have had chicken rice at Chatterbox for 25 SGD, get lost now.

A (Small) Source of Information
When I first became a traveller at 18 years of age, I used a little book called "Lo_ely Pl_net" to aid my travels. I made it a point to try at least one restaurant recommended by it in every city I been to at the start. First city - Rome. Being a student then, I was ridiculously thrifty, just so I could try this amazing restaurant that the book recommended. Maybe it was the anticipation, maybe it was the fact that I had been on plain bread for the previous 3 days, but the Carbonara seemed amazing. This 20 euros was totally worth it. Boo ya. Champ. Kudos to the chef. Best place ever..... Until I had an equally amazing carbonara for 6 euros in a streetside cafe the following day. Don't get me wrong, I love travel guides and I know individuals have different taste. I love Tripadvisor, and am on it all the time, and Tripadvisor has user reviews etc. But these platforms are inevitably political.  Also, if YouTube views can be bought, so can stars on Tripadvisor. That's not to say everything from these sources are unreliable, but if MY experience doesn't match up to the hype of a restaurant or attraction, I want YOU to know, not so as to convince you not to go, but rather so that you will make a more informed decision.

Sharing Tips and Tricks
As many travellers know, the most fulfilling places are those recommended by locals. Away from the hustle and bustle of tourists, away from the con artists and pickpockets. The little bakery tucked away in a corner away from the beaten path, or the secret spot on the roof of an inconspicuous apartment block with the most breath-taking view of the city. These little hidden gems that I find, I will share with you, and the ones that you find, please share too.
From secret second hand ski-shops in Switzerland, to tips on skipping the queues to popular attractions in Rome, to avoiding taxi scammers in Budapest, avoid my mistakes and do what I have done well. I am but one man, and I hope readers will also contribute to this noble cause.

Other than that this blog serves to be a journal of my travels and a platform for spouting nonsense of course!

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